FM Makey speaks in favor of visa-free regime between EU and Belarus

He said this during a video conference with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, the press service of the Foreign Ministry reports.

In his speech Uladzimir Makey noted that the entry into force of visa facilitation agreements with the European Union is an important achievement of the Eastern Partnership. He also spoke in favor of introducing visa-free regime between the EU and Belarus.

Uladzimir Makey during a video conference. Photo:

The Ministry’s page says Makey recalled the proposals of Belarus on the assistance of the EU in developing exports from the Eastern Partnership countries to the European market, as well as increasing the EU investments and creating jobs in the neighboring countries.

The Minister advocated the increase of ties between the European Union and the partner countries through the extension of the Trans-European Networks and the development of the plan of energy associations between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries.

Video conference. Photo:

Makey stressed that Belarus is interested in further development of the Eastern Partnership as a “pragmatic and inclusive initiative”.

According to him, Belarus is ready to host the Eastern Partnership summit in Minsk in early 2021.

On July 1st Belarus and the European Union signed an agreement on visa facilitation. Now Schengen visas for Belarusians cost €35.
