Former MP calls on Belarus authorities to impose quarantine measures

Hanna Kanapatskaya near Government House. Photo:

On Monday, Hanna Kanapatskaya, a former deputy of the House of Representatives, held a one-person protest in Minsk.

The politician urged the authorities to enforce quarantine rules and take other necessary measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Keep your conscience clean – announce quarantine and close the borders. I want to help you make such decision; I am going to stage a one-person protest near the Government House on March 16, 2020 at 17:00,” she said on Twitter.

To date, the Belarusian Health Ministry has recorded 36 residents whose tests showed the presence of the coronavirus’ RNA. Three patients have been already discharged. According to the officials, no quarantine is planned.

A few days ago, the ministry said that the closure of the border was unable to prevent the entry of coronavirus, as ‘7 out of 8 cases of imported coronavirus infection were found precisely among the Belarusian citizens, returning to their homeland from abroad’. As for the possibility of shutting down kindergartens and primary schools over the virus, the ministry stresses that children get sick much less often and do not die of coronavirus at all.

Lukashenka: there is fire from coronavirus in Russia, but Belarus will not close border
