Health Ministry: Coronavirus infection rate surpasses 4K

As of Thursday morning, the number of the people who contracted the coronavirus infection has totalled to 4,204 (+476 over the last day).

According to the Belarusian Health Ministry, the rate also includes the patients who have already recovered.

65 persons are on lung ventilators; the death toll has risen to 40.

“There are 116 children among the coronavirus patients; all of them have a mild or asymptomatic form of the disease. The so called first- and second-level contacts who show respiratory symptoms have been hospitalised. There are no children put on life support. In terms of the total number of ill children, Belarus does not stand out from other countries,” Alyaksandr Patseyeu, a representative of the ministry, said.

What future may hold for post-coronavirus world (ENG video)

On April 15, the ministry officially confirmed 36 coronavirus deaths in the country. Thus, in the past 24 hours, the number of the dead from COVID-19 has increased by 4.

Earlier, Deputy Health Minister Alena Bohdan said in an interview to that people having a mild form of COVID-19 might be allowed to recover at their homes.

On Monday, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka heard out a report by Health Minister Uladzimir Karanik. According to the head of state, he wanted to know the details about ‘the coronavirus psychosis’.

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