Hundreds of cases: Interior Ministry vs ‘protesting’ minors

Students’ March in Minsk, 1 September 2020. Photo: /

Administrative proceedings have been recently initiated over 240 minors’ taking to the streets, the presidential administration’s newspaper Belarus Segodnya reports.

The facts of children’s showing up at street rallies will receive the legal assessment; the parents of the minor participants will be held liable, the SB authors refer to the Interior Ministry in the article. According to them, the police’s juvenile liaison office is currently providing the social protection authorities with information and handing the materials of the cases to the Juvenile Commission.

On September 14, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus announced that parents would be punished for their children’s taking part in ‘unauthorised mass events’, and the minors might be taken away from their families. The parental responsibility for ‘illegal’ behaviour of their kids is to be increased in severity, Deputy Prosecutor General Alyaksei Stuk warned.

“The competent authorities’s activity aimed at holding [parents] accountable for involving their children – especially minors – in illegal gatherings has been recognised as insufficient,” Stuk stressed.

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