Implementation of roaming agreement between Belarus and Russia postponed

Signing of agreements to cancel roaming has slowed down between Belarus and Russia due to COVID-19, BelTA has learnt from the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus.

The countries have been working to cancel roaming since 2017. In December 2019, Belarus and Russia approved the relevant road map.

But, despite the slowdown in processing documents due to the coronavirus pandemic, there are currently no plans to change the terms, fixed by the road map, the Ministry of Communications reports.

The road map provides for a one-step – in September 2020 – implementation of the agreements, reached after the three stages. The first stage provides for the establishment of a single rate of international interconnect for roaming calls in the mutual settlements of operators in Belarus and Russia, while the second one — the reduction of interoperator wholesale tariffs for international roaming services by operators of the two countries. And the third one provides for the formation of subscriber retail tariffs for international roaming services.

As a result of the first and second stages, 22 agreements between operators of the two countries are expected to be signed.
