Instead of release: Tsikhanouskaya’s associate gets 15-day jail term

Volha Kavalkova, a co-chair of the Belarusian Christian Democratic party and presidential hopeful Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya‘s associate, has been sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest on Thursday, human rights centre Viasna reports.

Earlier, another case was opened against her over participation in Mew Belarus’ March New Belarus that took place on August, 23. Today she has been found guilty of violating the rules of holding mass events (Art. 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences).

New Belarus’ March in Minsk. 23 August 2020 г. Photo:

Volha Kavalkova delivered a speech from the stage near the Planeta Hotel; sound equipment being used, the case files read. The prosecution presented screenshots of the articles by news portals and Novy Chas as evidence.

On August 24, Volha Kavalkova and strike movement activist Syarhei Dyleuski were detained by riot policemen at the entrance to the Minsk Tractor Plant, placed in a paddy wagon and taken to the notorious detention centre in Akrestsin Street. The both are members of the board of opposition Coordination Council (CC).

A day later, the activists were charged with ‘staging an unauthorised event’. According to the official version, Kavalkova and Dyleuski called on people to go on strike. They got 10-day prison term each. They were expected to go at large on September, 3. Syarhei Dyleuski has been tried under the same charge; he will also have to spend another 15 days in jail

Opposition Coordination Council insists on dialogue, blames Lukashenka for rattling sabres

