Investigative Committee launches criminal cases over initiative to recall MPs

Protest on Independence Square. August 26, 2020. Photo: Sveta Far /

The Investigative Committee of Belarus has opened criminal cases “due to pressure on the deputies,” the state agency BelTA reports with reference to the Belarus 1 TV channel.

An employee of the Investigative Committee has announced on the air of the Belarus 1 state TV channel that criminal proceedings were instituted “on the facts of pressure on the deputy corps”.

According to an unnamed security official, “foreign centers threaten with reprisals those who support the current course of the country <…> through individual members of the so-called Coordination Council, as well as through some Telegram channels.” The Investigative Committee believes that “instructions on the implementation of illegal activities in relation to the deputies came to the Coordination Council from abroad” — Poland, the Czech Republic and Great Britain.

“At least two threatening messages were sent from the UK. Investigative and operational measures are being applied. The perpetrators will be held liable under the law, wherever they are,” BelTA quotes the security official.


On August 23, members of the Cordination Council Pavel Latushka and Maksim Znak spoke about the decision of the Coordination Council to initiate the procedure for recalling MPs. The opposition also calls for a republican referendum on the return of the 1994 Constitution, which limits the president’s terms.

The Honest People initiative has launched the #YouCannotEvenImagine project. According to the law, citizens have the right to recall their elected deputies. According to information on August 27, in 30 out of 110 constituencies, voters went through the first stage of the procedure. They collected the required number of signatures to submit an application for a meeting, at which they will vote for or against the recall of the parliamentarian from their constituency.

Earlier, the deputy of the Minsk City Council Volha Tsesakova published a statement of early resignation.


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Я за свободу. За свободу всех задержанных во время мирных акций и шествий. За свободу перемещений. Я хочу быть уверенной в том, что независимо от происходящего, мы можем вечером выходить на улицу, заниматься своими делами, ехать к друзьям, выносить мусор или идти в магазин и не быть задержанными. Я за свободу голоса. Я за свободу мнений. Я за свободу самовыражения. Я за свободу граждан Республики Беларусь!!! #жывебеларусь #верымможампераможам #горетымоеотума

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