Kurapaty: Former political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich detained

Kurapaty guard. 15 january 2012. Photo: Zmitser Dashkevich / Facebook

On January 15, Belarusian activist and former political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich was detained in Kurapaty, his wife Nasta said on Facebook.

According to the woman, the police grabbed Zmitser and his fellow Artur Belablotski; but their whereabouts and the reason for the detention are unknown so far. They might be awaiting trial in custody, she added.

Shortly before, Dashkevich posted a photo of the so-called Kurapaty guard and wrote: “Belarus endured in Soviet concentration camps, won over Nazi concentration camps, and we will definitely beat out the concentration camps of Lukashenka-Karpyankou. Long live Belarus!”

‘Kurapaty-Akrestsin prison: Never again’. Repentance Chain in Minsk (photo report)

Kurapaty, a place on the outskirts of Minsk, is not just the national memorial and a mass grave of the victims of Stalinist repression; since 1993, it has been is a site of historical and cultural heritage. According to historians, 100,000 – 250,000 persons might have been killed there.

Since 2018, the participants of the Kurapaty guard protesting against ‘dancing on the bones’, i.e.the activity of Let’s Go And Eat restaurant in the vicinity of the mass grave under the passive eye of the local authorities. The protesters say both the construction and opening of the leisure venue not far from the site of the massacre were illegal. Activists first asked the authorities to interfere with the situation, and then decided to act independently – they try to talk people out of visiting it or even bar cars from entering its premises.

On Friday, By_Pol, a campaign created by opposition-minded people who earlier belonged to Belarusian uniformed services, made public an audio recording in which a man whose voice bears a strong resemblance to the voice of Deputy Interior Minister Mikalai Karpyankou. The man refers to the instructions allegedly given by Alyaksandr Lukashenka on how to treat protesters and announces setting up of sort of a labour camp for opponents of the regime in Belarus.

Leak: Senior police officer mentions Lukashenka’s orders to brutalise protesters, set up special camp


