Lithuanian court rejects divorce certificate issued in Crimea

The Lithuanian Court of Appeal has refused to recognize the marriage dissolution certificate issued in the annexed Crimea, writes

The court stated that the documents issued in the Crimea and Sevastopol and confirmed by the Russian authorities “have no legal force in Lithuania”.

In a ruling, announced in late February, the Lithuanian judge stressed that the accession of Crimea had occurred in violation of international law.

The applicant, whose identity is not disclosed by the court, seeks recognition of the decision of the Crimean judge to dissolve her marriage by the Lithuanian authorities.

Earlier, one of the Vilnius registry offices considered that her divorce certificate could not be legalized. Later, the Vilnius District Court refused to dissolve the marriage and demanded explanations from the Lithuanian Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal found that the civil registry office employees had acted properly when they refused to accept the document issued in Crimea.
