Lukashenka says Autukhovich brought weapons across border

During a visit to the children’s infectious diseases hospital in Minsk, Alyaksandr Lukashenka commented on the detention of an entrepreneur and activist from Vaukavysk Mikalai Autukhovich, BelTA writes.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka said that Mikalai Autukhovich imported weapons from Ukraine. Moreover, he claimed tat Autukhovich transferred tons of weapons across the border and prepared terrorist attacks throughout the country.

“Recently we detained Autukhovich’s group. Utter scoundrels. We have uncovered all their channels. They were brought tons of weapons through Ukraine,” said the head of state. “And if our guys (I ordered to award them all with state awards immediately) hadn’t uncovered them, we would have had quite a New Year … Frankly, I underestimated him (Autukhovich. – Belsat). The State Security Committee had reported to me. I told them to deal with him . I did underestimate him. But when they checked him inside out … ” Lukashenka said.

At the same time, Lukashenka claims that there are several other groups in Belarus, in which people sent from abroad also take part.

“There are several other groups. There are two or three of our own, from there (from abroad. – Belsat) they send us. Through Ukraine. Through Poland, Lithuania is not an easy option – the border was closed tightly. And now they have closed one with Ukraine, the mouse would not get through. Sometimes they penetrate through Russia, we have no border. But it’s not the same. We keep this issue under strict control,” Lukashenka said.

Mikalai Autukhovich was detained on December 8. Investigators assert that Autukhovich was involved in the arson of a policeman’s house and car in Vaukavysk, as well as the arson of a policeman’s car in Hrodna.

The police also detained Syarhei, Lyubou and Pavel Razanovich, Iryna Harachkina, Iryna and Anton Myalkherau. It is alleged that all of them were detained, placed in a pre-trial detention center, most of them cooperate with the investigation and give testimony. “Nasha Niva” writes that Autukhovich stayed with the Razanovich family for a significant time. Syarhei Razanovich is a priest.

Mikalai Autukhovich, 57, is a former entrepreneur and chairman of the organizing committee for the creation of the Solidarity union of entrepreneurs.
