Major Belarusian media founder dead at 59

Yury Zisser. Photo: Denis Dziuba

Yury Zisser, founder of the TUT.BY media outlet, hosting provider, entrepreneur, public figure and philanthropist, died in Minsk after a prolonged illness on May 17th.

Yury Zisser was born on June 28, 1960 in Lviv. In the 1980s he met his future wife Yulia Charnyauskaya, a cultural anthropologist, and followed her to Minsk.

In Belarus, Yury Zisser worked as a system programmer at the Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology in Baraulyany, was engaged in scientific work. In 1992 he founded the company Reliable Programs. The portal TUT.BY which became the most popular Belarusian online media was launched in 2000.

Yury Zisser repeatedly published his views on TUT.BY. He had an active civic stance.

He was a founder of a number of Belarusian and international Internet projects. He was an active participant of the startup movement, a mentor. He was engaged in charity and philanthropy, but he practically did not tell anyone about this activity.

He was passionate about classical music, loved jazz. In 2013 he entered the Belarusian State Academy of Music for organ class, which he successfully graduated from in 2015.

Due to the epidemiological situation, there will not be a mass funeral event. Yury Zisser’s family asks to honor his memory at home, and instead of flowers make a donation to fight against COVID-19.

The editorial staff of Belsat expresses its condolences to the family and friends of Yury Zisser.
