Majority of Belarusians will get infected, Belarusian medics claim in video message

More than two dozen Belarusian doctors have recorded a video address to citizens, where they told how to behave correctly during the pandemic and warned that the coronavirus would infect a large part of the population.

“We, doctors, appeal to you and ask for your support. The coronavirus pandemic has spread to almost all countries of the world. Unfortunately, our dear Belarus has not escaped this fate. This applies to each of us. The majority of the population will get sick and become infected — this is the experience of other countries,” medical professionals from different regions say.

Specialists warn that the sick person may exhibit no symptoms, but even in this case it is easy to infect other people, including their loved ones. For people over 60, getting the virus can be fatal.

“Restrict communication with people as much as possible. Do not visit elderly relatives or send your children who may be the source of infection to them. Convince your parents that they need to stay home. Provide them with everything they need,” they explain.

In addition, doctors ask you to avoid crowded places, not to go to theaters and cinemas. To go shopping, it is better to choose one family member and make sure that they wear a mask. It is even better to use online delivery.

They ask not to go visit doctors unnecessarily, as now is not the time for scheduled medical examinations and consultations. Even if you have signs of a cold — do not run straight to the clinic. It is better to stay home and treat your symptoms like a common cold, doctors advise. If your condition worsens, you should call an ambulance.
