March of People’s Tribunal held in Belarus

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December, 20 is the 134th day of protests. For more than four months, Belarusians have been protesting against vote rigging and police violence which no one has been charged with yet.

As protesters believe that a number of Belarusian officials and police officers should be tried for the crimes committed, they have called today’s rally the March of People’s Tribunal on Telegram.

Protesters in town of Zaslauye. 20 December 2020. Photo: Belsat viewers
Protesters in Orsha. 20 December 2020. Photo: Belsat viewers

For the fifth Sunday in a row, people are expected to gather in their neighborhoods and then move to the places previously defined in local chats. A month ago, Alyaksandr Lukashenka instructed security agencies to ‘restore order’ in the country and stamp out the protests. The opposition-minded Belarusians responded with decentralising Sunday marches; as a result, pro-government forces had more difficulty dispersing protesters who scattered all over the capital city.

At about 10 am (local time), Minskers formed a column in Sukharava residential area:

Protesters in Minsk. 20 December 2020. Photo: Belsat viewers
March of People’s Tribunal in Minsk. 20 December 2020. Photo: Belsat viewers
March of People’s Tribunal in Minsk. 20 December 2020. Photo: Belsat viewers

Residents of almost all residential areas were spotted in today’s protesting in Minsk.

Pro-government forces grabbed protesters and passers-by in Hrushauka, Prytytski street, Zalataya Horka and other places.

Although there were no reports about detentions on a massive scale, the list of detainees included more than 140 names at 9 pm.

In today’s interview with Belsat TV, opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya‘s aide Franak Vyachorka told Belsat that her team would not call on Belarusians to take part in street protests in city centres; at the same time, they are going to support ‘any action taken by people themselves’.
