Men banned from dyeing gray hair in Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Photo:

In state institutions and enterprises in the Lebap province of Turkmenistan, male workers over 40 years of age have been banned from dyeing their hair black, radio Azatlyk reports.

The requirement not to dye gray hair appeared on February 4. It applies to employees of all government agencies, including schools and hospitals.

Heads of state organizations explain this by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s “grey hair”.

Earlier, when Berdimuhamedov himself dyed his hair black, they were also required to hide their gray under black dye, and now they are required to do the opposite. The head of state stopped dyeing his hair in July 2018, and today it is almost completely white.

In August 2018, the authorities banned dyeing hair in women’s beauty salons and men’s hairdressers.

Also in state institutions, male workers have been forbidden to grow long hair and beard for many years.
