Nearly 3,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in Belarus

Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya /

The Belarusian Health Ministry has updated the information on the coronavirus situation in the country.

As of April 13, the total number of the people who contracted the infection has reached 2,919 in Belarus.

According to ministry, 1,793 patients are being treated in hospitals; 55 persons are put on lung ventilators; 203 people who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 have already recovered. The Belarusian health officials report that the disease mostly takes place in a mild or medium form.

29 COVID-19 patients who died had chronic and co-existing illnesses, the ministry says on Telegram.

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With every passing day, the number of COVID-19 patients is growing at an increased pace. In the past 24 hours, 341 new cases have been confirmed in Belarus; 3 persons have passed away. Belarus’ Vitsebsk region ranks second after Minsk in terms of the number of patients with coronavirus. It is also leading in the coronavirus fatalities along with Minsk. As reported earlier, Minsk infectious diseases hospital is almost full due to the coronavirus outbreak; the Belarusian military forces have set up a field hospital near Lepel (Vitsebsk region) in case the situation gets out of control.

On Monday, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has heard out a report by Health Minister Uladzimir Karanik. According to the head of state, he wanted to know the details about ‘the coronavirus psychosis’.

Mild COVID-19 patients may be exempted from mandatory hospitalisation
