New Administrative Code means double fines, community service, longer arrests

Deputies of the House of Representatives have adopted the new Code of Administrative Offenses. So far, the document has not been officially published, but a draft legislation has appeared on the telegram channels. Lawyers believe that the new law will become tougher, writes.

The well-known article 23.34 (in the new draft code 24.23) will be changed. First, the maximum fine will be increased from 30 to 100 base units, and the warning will be canceled. A repeated violation of this article provides for a fine even up to 200 basic units (now 5,400 rubles).

The fine for disobeying a police officer has increased from 50 to 100 basic units, and punishment in the form of community service is also envisaged.

Liability has been increased for violations of the mass media legislation (Art. 23.5 of the Administrative Code). It now also affects the owner of an Internet resource that is not registered as an online media outlet, liability has been introduced for receiving foreign aid to finance the media.

There will be responsibility for insulting an official on the Internet. This can be punished with a fine of up to 200 basic units, community service, and administrative arrest.

Community service is a new kind of punishment

The new code, by analogy with the criminal code, establishes the time and place of the commission of an administrative offense, and also, by analogy with the criminal law, introduces offenses to be followed by administrative arrest (for example, violation of the order of holding mass events).

The new Code of Administrative Offenses also provides for a new type of punishment – community service (from 8 to 60 hours). However, they can be imposed only with the consent of the person.

Not only court can sentence to jail

The document, which was adopted by the deputies, expands the ability of police officers to impose arrest. Previously, only the court ruled on the arrest.

The general term of administrative arrest remained unchanged – up to 15 days. But for the offenses under Article 24.23 of the Administrative Code, and only for this offense, committed repeatedly (violation of the order of holding mass events – currently it is Article 23.34), which is considered the most dangerous administrative offense, based on the sanction of the article – the arrest can last up to 30 days.

Currently the administrative arrest cannot exceed 25 days.
