No more photos of commission members and voters without permission, CEC says

Now it can only be done in a special place, Nasha Niva writes.

Before each election campaign, the CEC publishes a guide with detailed recommendations, which should help members of election commissions in disputable situations.


Such manual is ready once again. And the current manual has a very important difference from the previous one. Now it additionally prohibits taking pictures of commission members and voters.

Here’s what it says:

“Photo and video recording in the election commission’s premises is carried out by observers in the following order:

– the chair of the district commission determines in advance the place from which observers are allowed to take a few pictures to illustrate the voting and counting process. However, an observer should not interfere with precinct commissioners and voters.

The chair of the commission may determine in advance the location for such recordings, by placing a “Place for photo and video” sign there;

– photo and videotaping of the members of the precinct commission and the voters without their

permissions and permits of the district commission chair are prohibited”.

At the same time, last year the manual recommended allowing observers to take several photos.

“Despite the fact that the Electoral Code does mention the right of the observers to take photographs in the voting room, the observers should be allowed to do several photos upon request. In doing so, the observer shall not interfere with the members of the precinct commission and voters. The chair of the precinct commission may determine in advance the location from which it is allowed to do pictures by putting a “Place for photo and video” sign on it.

This year’s presidential election will be held on August 9.

