No plans for quarantine in Belarusian educational establishments yet

All educational institutions in Belarus operate on a regular basis. There are no plans to close schools in connection with the coronavirus yet, the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Education writes.

The Ministry of Education notes that all preventive measures and recommendations of the Ministry of Health are implemented in the institutions.

“At the moment all educational establishments of Belarus operate in a regular mode. Closure of schools in connection with the coronavirus is not yet planned, but if there is such a need, the decision will be made by the Ministry of Health,” said the agency representative.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the rules of personal hygiene should be observed for the purpose of prevention. And if there are any signs of disease, one should call or see a doctor.

Currently, there are 12 registered cases infected with coronavirus in Belarus. At the same time, physicians note that three patients will be discharged from hospital this week.

All the infected patients are in a satisfactory state, their temperature is normal and there are virtually no complaints. Coronavirus in Belarus is still in mild form.
