No peaceful rallies on May 1 due to pandemic

Due to the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus decided not to celebrate Labor Day in its traditional way. The celebration has been moved online.

This year there will be no traditional processions on Labor Day in Belarus. The trade union will organize online concerts, thematic photo contests and photo exhibitions.

A special project called PervomayOnlineBrest was created in Brest on May 1. To celebrate the holiday remotely in Hrodna region, Minsk region, Mahiliou region, Homel region and Vitsebsk region, which has to do with the desire to preserve the health of workers due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation.

“We decided to tell about our achievements and congratulate everyone on the Labor Day through the mass media,” explained the chairman of Vitsebsk regional association of trade unions, Ivan Vazmitsel.

Earlier, local authorities in Baranavichy and Mahiliou decided to cancel mass entertainment events on May 1.
