Number of opposition representatives in election commissions down 15 times compared to previous presidential election

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center Viasna have published data on the formation of election commissions. The human rights activists have noted that the territorial election commissions included a minimum number of opposition representatives.

The peculiarity of the current presidential campaign is the coronavirus pandemic, which affected the nomination process of representatives from parties and public associations and the order of meetings of the bodies that formed the election commissions. This year’s meetings were held via online broadcasts. Thus, representatives of civil society and observers, in most cases, could not get directly to the meetings of the bodies that formed the commissions.

As a result, human rights activists report, the number of opposition parties’ representatives in commissions decreased 15 times compared to the previous presidential election.

“This indicates the persistent discriminatory approach to the formation of election commissions,” said the human rights activists.

The presidential election will be held on August 9th. The CEC has registered 15 initiative groups for nominating candidates for presidency.
