Opposition blogger detained in Pukhavichy

Syarhei Pyatrukhin, a Brest-based author of YouTube channels People’s Reporter and Youtube Deputies, has been detained on Tuesday afternoon.

Syarhei Pyatrukhin in court

He was at his friend’s in a village in Pukhavichy district; two police vans arrived there in the morning, human rights centre Vyasna reports. The policemen were keeping a close eye on the house he was in.

Shortly before taking him away, the officers told Pyatrukhin that he would have to serve the ‘unserved days’ of administrative arrest to which he had been sentenced earlier. At the moment, his whereabouts is unknown.

On June 15, Alyaksander Kabanau, another blogger and the spokesman for presidential wannabe Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya‘s initiative group, was arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention centre in Brest. The reason for the detention has not been reported yet.

Presidential wannabe Tsikhanouskaya: ‘They threatened to jail me, take kids away’

