Opposition leader to spend 45 days in jail over taking part in anti-integration protests

On February 20, a Minsk court sentenced Vyachaslau Siuchyk, the leader of the solidarity movement Together, to a 15-day jail term for protesting against Belarus’ further integration with Russia.

The case was initiated under Article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses(violation of the regulations of holding mass events).

It is the third time that Vyachaslau Siuchyk has been found guilty over taking part in December’s anti-integration rallies that were not authorised by the Belarusian authorities . in compliance with court orders, the politician will have to spend 45 days in prison. And there is more: on February 24, Siuchyk is to stand another trial.

On January 8-10, about 80 trials were held in Belarus. For three days, courts in different regions of the country fined and arrested the activists, who showed up in the rallies in support of the country’s independence and sovereignty. The total amount of fines was 54,513 BYN or about $ 25,700.

Big photo report from two days of anti-integration protests

