OSCE ODIHR to not assess election in Belarus

The ODIHR will not publish its assessment of the presidential elections in Belarus. Katya Andrusz, press representative of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) in Warsaw told svaboda.org.

“Although ODIHR continues to closely monitor the situation in Belarus, we will not publish any conclusions about the presidential elections simply because we will not be watching them,” said Andrusz.

She explained this decision by the fact that “the authorities scheduled the elections more than two months ago, and they are well aware that ODIHR needs a timely invitation to observe all aspects of the elections, including not only the election day itself, but also the preceeding period”.

“Let me give just one example: the formation of election commissions and the registration of candidates have already been completed, and these are exactly the areas that, according to ODIHR, need improvement,” said Andrusz.

Earlier it was reported that the ODIHR/OSCE mission will not come to Belarus to observe the presidential election for the first time in the history of modern Belarus. The reason was the absence of an official invitation from the Foreign Ministry.

