Pavel Latushka: Opposition to raise question of recognising Lukashenka regime as terrorism

The post-election atrocities in Belarus are committed at the order of Alyaksandr Lukashenka and with his knowledge, Pavel Latushka, a member of the board of the Opposition Coordination Council and former Belarusian minister, said on Friday.

In his video address, Latushka, who is now in charge of the People’s Anti-Crisis Administration (PACA), made a comment on the leaked recording in which a man whose voice bears a strong resemblance to that of Deputy Interior Minister Mikalai Karpyankou refers to the instructions allegedly given by Lukashenka on how to treat protesters, announces setting up of sort of a labour camp for opponents of the regime in Belarus, and admits that Alyaksandr Taraykouski, the first victim related to the crackdown on peaceful protests in August, was shot down by the police.

“As the president said, if one rushes at you, use weapons, even those non-lethal. [Fire] point-blank aiming at legs, stomach, balls so that he [protester] would realise what he had done when he returned to consciousness. Well, you have the following options: injure, maim, or kill him. Shoot at his forehead, right in the forehead, right in the face: after that, he will never recover,” said the man with a voice sounding like Karpyankou’s.

Leak: Senior police officer mentions Lukashenka’s orders to brutalise protesters, set up special camp

Karpyankou does believe that the Belarusian uniformed services’ main task is protecting the Lukashenka family and top officials, not the Belarusian people, Pavel Latushka stresses.

According to the politician, GUBOPiK (Main Department for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption), OMON riot police, other units loyal to Lukashenka are nothing but terrorist organisations.

“We do everything possible to ensure that they are officially recognised [as terrorists] at the international level. The fact that they do not save the country, but only keep their patron on the throne contrary to the will of the majority, is becoming more and more evident every day. All of the above brings us, Belarusians, and whole humanity back to the fact that a fascist regime is being established in Belarus. We will hand over the audio recording to the UN Security Council, the EU Council, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the authorities of Russia and the United States. We will raise the question of recognising the Lukashenka regime as terrorism,” Latushka promised.

Opposition politician Pavel Latushka: KGB instructed to keep close tabs on me
