Pavel Sevyarynets left behind bars for another two months

Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya,

The investigation into his case was extended for another two months, the political prisoner said in a letter to his wife Volha.

According to her, Pavel Sevyarynets refused to sign the order on prolonging the investigation until February 20, 2021.

“I told them I would not sign anything, since it is lawlessness. Fabricating a criminal case will be punishable by law. I said they’d better deal with complaints by ordinary citizens who were beaten by unknown people in black in broad daylight,” he wrote.

Pavel Sevyarynets has been behind bars since June, 7. At the very beginning, he had several administrative arrests. During the trial on 18 June, he said that the day after his arrest he was thrown into a disciplinary cell: he can only lie down from 10 pm to 6 pm, the room is 2 by 3 metres, and it is very cold.

“They took toothpaste and a toothbrush away. There’s no water at all, it’s off. [So] I had to cut my veins in protest. It’s never been like this here,” he said.

Volha Sevyarynets was going to welcome her husband home on August, 21 after his spending over 70 days in prison. However, on August 20, amid the post-election protests, the Investigative Committee informed her of initiating a criminal case against Pavel Sevyarynets. Like many other political prisoners, he is a suspect in the case under Article 293 of the Criminal Code (organising mass riots).

By now, the number of political prisoners in Belarus has reached 167: a few days ago, human rights watchdogs added another seven persons to the list.

Seven more people recognized as political prisoners
