Police bar elderly Minskers from holding Wisdom March. Belsat journos detained

The March of Pensioners aka Wisdom March was expected to start at about 12.00 in the Belarusian capital city.

Over the past months, pro-opposition elderly Minskers have made Monday’s event an unofficial tradition. Students and health workers often join the march.

Yakub Kolas Square in run-up to Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: belsat.eu
In run-up to Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: belsat.eu

On Monday noon, seniors began to gather in Yakub Kolas Square; at the same time, pro-government forces were pulled in there. A bit later, a small column set off in the direction of Victory Square (i.e. the city centre), but the traffic police, police buses and even tractors blocked Independence Avenue and repeatedly urged the demonstrators to stop marching, warning them of administrative liability for showing up unauthorised rallies.

The column scattered, but around a hundred participants managed to get to Independence Square and streets in the vicinity of the railway station, but the police arrived there and dispersed them.

Independence Square. Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: Agata Kwiatkowska / belsat.eu
Independence Square. Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: Agata Kwiatkowska / belsat.eu
Independence Square. Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: Agata Kwiatkowska / belsat.eu
Independence Square. Wisdom March in Minsk. 7 December 2020. Photo: Agata Kwiatkowska / belsat.eu

Belsat TV journalist Lyubou Lunyova and cameraman Ivan Kurakevich were detained when covering the rally. Protocols were drawn upon them under Art. 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences (violation of rules of ‘holding mass events’); they are awaiting court hearings in the notorious detention centre in Akrestsin Street.

Seniors protesting in Minsk: ‘Grandmas and grandpas, let’s march to the victory!’


