Presidential hopeful Hubarevich supports protest against Brest battery plant

Feeding pigeons in Brest. Photo by Milana Kharytonava / Belsat.

On Sunday, May 24th, Brest held another protest against the battery plant, the human rights activist Raman Kisliak told

According to Kisliak, about 80 people gathered in Lenin Square despite the rain.

“People were discussing arrests, trials, as well as the information provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources as part of the implementation of the Arhus Convention,” said Raman Kisliak.

Yury Hubarevich at the protest in Brest. Photo of Milana Kharytonava / “Belsat”

Later, people marched along Pushkinskaya and Savetskaya streets to the Belarus cinema, where an election picket to collect signatures of the chairman of the Movement For Freedom Yury Hubarevich was being held.

“Signatures were collected for the postponement of the election – this is our joint campaign “For Belarus without dictatorship!” We demand the postponement of the election, so it was not signatures for nomination of a candidate. And it was also publicly stated during the picket,” Yury Hubarevich informed Belsat.

Yury Hubarevich at his picket. Photo of Milana Kharytonava / “Belsat”.

The politician also brought plastic shields with the inscription “To Live”, one of the slogans of protest against the battery plant, to signature collectors to protect activists during the pandemic. The unsigned shields are to be handed over to the medics.
