Putin protects interests of oligarchs 40% of Russians think

Russian President Vladimir Putin protects the interests of oligarchs, bankers and big entrepreneurs, 38% of Russians are sure. The results came from a sociological survey conducted by the Levada Center. This is the highest result for the 20 years of Vladimir Putin’s presidency.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents said that the president protected the interests of law enforcement agencies. In previous polls this response was in the lead. Another 28% of respondents believe that the president represents the interests of officials, while 18% think that he cares about the needs of the middle class.

Sixteen percent of Russians are sure that the president cares about ordinary people — various workers and employees. At the same time, 18% of respondents think that Putin relies on them in his rule.

The majority of respondents (46%), however, believe that Putin relies on law enforcement agencies. Thirty-seven percent are sure that he relies on oligarchs, while 28% are sure that he relies on government officials.

