Russia and Belarus agree on oil supplies for 2021

Moscow and Minsk have agreed on the terms of Russian oil supplies in 2021. The formula for calculating the price of raw materials and the volume of supplies will remain the same, Kommersant reports with reference to Reuters.

According to agency sources, there are still disagreements, but they are moving to 2021. Russian suppliers have agreed with Belneftekhim, but the conditions will remain the same.

Among the unresolved issues are compensation to Belarus for ‘dirty’ oil, as well as for a tax maneuver.

The Belneftekhim concern previously announced plans to process in 2021 the same volume of Russian oil that was planned to be processed this year – 18 million tons.

Belarus may stop oil supplies via Klaipeda port

At the beginning of 2020, Belneftekhim and Russian companies could not agree on the price of supplies which were later frozen. Minsk was unhappy with paying a premium for Russian oil. As a result, a compromise was reached — the premium was reduced to $ 5 per ton, and supplies resumed in April.

Earlier it was reported that Russia and Belarus had agreed on the gas price. The specific principle of pricing and the price were not announced.

“The parties agreed on the gas prices for 2021 almost at the level of 2020, but significantly lower than those provided for by the formula that determines the natural gas price for Belarus, fixed in the intergovernmental agreement on the procedure for setting gas prices, signed in 2011,” BelTA reports with reference to the press service of the Energy Ministry.

In 2020, the price of Russian natural gas for Belarus is $ 127 per 1,000 cubic meters. Earlier, the official Minsk demanded from Moscow a discount on gas prices up to the level of the Smolensk region.

Belarus and Russia agree on natural gas prices

