Russia’s Defense Minister accuses West of attempts to stage coup in Belarus

The Western countries are trying to exert their influence over the situation in Belarus, Sergei Shoigu said during the joint meeting of Russia’s and Belarus’ defense ministries.

“Quite recently, there has been an attempt to bring about a change of power with the financial and political backing of the West,” he stressed.

According to him, it such a way, the adversaries were trying to torpedo the integration of Russia and Belarus and spoil the relations between Moscow and Minsk. In his opinion, it is the United States and its satellites using ‘colour revolution technologies’ who are to blame.

In turn, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin thanked the Russian authorities for their help ‘during hard times’ and also made mention of ‘various destructive forces’ efforts’ to take power in the country.

Pro-Russian party planned for Belarus

Last week, Alyaksandr Lukashenka held a meeting with Director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin in Minsk.

On August 9, the presidential vote was held in Belarus; its official results were not recognised by the EU and the United States. The Kremlin, in turn, acknowledged the legitimacy of Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s sixth presidency. Moscow sees no sense in establishing contacts with representatives of the opposition Coordination Council set up by Tsikhanouskaya and her associates, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his Belarusian counterpart Uladzimir Makey.

In late August, Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s forming a reserve force of law enforcement officers to ‘help’ Belarus if necessary. According to him, Russian forces will not be used ‘until the extremist elements in Belarus, under the guise of political slogans, cross the border, start to simply rob people, start burning cars, houses, banks, try to seize administrative buildings and so on’.

Putin forms reserve force of law enforcement officers ‘to help’ Belarus
