Russia’s FSB suspects married couple of treason over posting wedding photos on web

Kaliningrad residents Antonina Zimina and Konstantin Antonets might have contributed to disclosing the identity of an intelligence officer who was a guest at their wedding, the Russian newspaper Kommersant reports.

The married couple was arrested in July, 2018. The security agency has not made the charges public, but, according to the journalists, husband and wife were faulted for their wedding photos’ and videos’ coming into the hands of foreign special services. In particular, Latvian agents managed to identify their Russian ‘counterpart’ from the materials posted online.

The FSB officer depicted in the ‘leaked’ wedding photos is involved in counter-intelligence activities. In turn, the susprects’ families claim that he was a coursemate of Antonina Zimina.

According to Russian law, treason is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Antonets and Zimina refused to admit their guilt.

Russia’s FSB: Woman suspected of spying for Ukraine detained in Crimea

