Russian border guards bar oppositionists from visiting Belarus, monitoring election

Overnight into Saturday, the Russian authorities detained activists of human rights organisation Otkrytka who were heading for Belarus in the run-up to the presidential election.[0]=AZUv15tWcUapRhSoIXDHG0-RVrhsekedzE1PiPm_RanxOv9gxicziXKEz_v64c6xJiWUJu-FufB5MYSr9NLKXUkN0c_WDxNHjnslWE18VxFS-dhB9iEdnAZkYRpPbjSVMPLThe5i3c6tFqdYpwX5w1rrG6tmCQpQnevIZNY3quMzZw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

The guards did not let Andrey Pivovarov, executive director of Otrytka, as well as human rights defenders Daniil Potapov and Alexander Fedoseyev, cross the Russian-Belarusian border. The detainees intended to act as election observers during the voting on August, 9.

According to lawyers, an administrative protocol was drawn upon Fedoseyev and Potapov at the border crossing point Sebezh; then they might be transported to the city of Pskov.

Andrey Pivovarov was taken to the border department of the town of Rudnya (Smolensk region), he said on Facebook. According to the official version, he disobeyed the demands of the military guarding the border. The human rights activist is facing charge under Art. 18.7 of Russia’s Code of Administrative Offenses, which may be punishable by up to 15 days in jail.

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