Russian journalist and lawyer attacked in Grozny before controversial case trial

A journalist and a lawyer who came to the trial of the author of the video about “Chechen Rublevka” were attacked in Chechnya.

According to Novaya Gazeta, on February 6, at the entrance to the Continent Hotel in Grozny, unknown assailants attacked Elena Milashina, the newspaper’s columnist, and lawyer Marina Dubrovina.

They were attacked and beaten by unknown men and women. It was mainly women who did it. The attackers filmed their actions on camera. As a result, the lawyer was beaten. The victims file a complaint with the Chechen law enforcement agencies.

Milashina and Dubrovina arrived in Grozny for the trial in the case of Islam Nukhanov, who had posted a video on YouTube on October 31 about the “Chechen Rublevka” — an elite village in the centre of Grozny, where Ramzan Kadyrov‘s relatives and associates live.

Nukhanov was detained as early as November 1. His house was searched and all his phones, computer and car were confiscated. For almost a month, relatives said, he was kept in the basements of the Grozny police department, where he was beaten and electrocuted by officials from the elite village.

The investigation accused Nukhanov of coming to the police with two bullets in his jacket and a pistol under the car seat. According to the official version, he was detained only on November 26.
