Russian nuclear fuel delivered to BelNPP

A train with Russian nuclear fuel for the first unit had arrived at the BelNPP site, Ministry of Energy of Belarus reports.

On April 28, it was reported that the Russian state corporation Rosatom was preparing to supply nuclear fuel to BelNPP. It was also planned to send several groups of Russian specialists to Belarus.

“A train with nuclear fuel for the first unit has arrived at the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant,” a press release of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus stated on May 6. “The necessary technical conditions of the premises, equipment, systems and elements, as well as the organizational conditions of the plant staff for the safe use of fresh nuclear fuel, have been provided at the NPP. In accordance with the regulatory documents, the facilities of the first unit have been put under the protection of the internal troops before the delivery of fuel”.

Fuel acceptance will be organized by BelNPP specialists together with the general contractor in accordance with the technical regulations, the Ministry said.

Commissioning of the first unit of the BelNPP is scheduled for 2020, while the second unit is to be commissioned in 2021.
