Six participants in Belarus opposition’ primaries on nominating single presidential candidate

February, 16 was the closing date for submitting the documents for the participation in opposition’s primaries on nominating a single candidate for the President of the Republic of Belarus, politician and campain coordinator Ihar Barysau said on Facebook.

In late January, five Belarusian opposition parties agreed to nominate a single candidate for the 2020 presidential elections. According to them, the primaries will last until May and will also be conducted on the Internet.

One stands the chance to take part in the primaries both from a republican organization and by presenting a team of 200 activists. Each of the participants is to contribute the equivalent of 500 EUR to the organization of the primaries. The funds will be used to travel to the regions, organize the Congress of Democratic Forces and create a voting platform.

The mechanism developed is based on a scoring system; the maximum number of points a candidate might collect is 100. Each party will be free to give 10 points to their runner; 30 points may be obtained during online voting; another 30 – during the voting in the regions. And final 30 points may be granted to a presidential wannabe by the Democratic Forces Congress scheduled for May. It is then that the public will know the name of the single candidate.

By the moment, six persons have managed to file the necessary documents in time and in due form: Yury Hubarevich (Movement for Freedom), Mikalai Kazlou (United Civic Party), Pavel Sevyarynets (Belarusian Christian Democracy), Volha Kavalkova (Social Christian Movement), Alyaksei Yanukevich (Belarusian People’s Front), and former MP Hanna Kanapatskaya.

On Monday, the applicants’ documents have started to be revised. In particular, it is necessary to check the signatures collected by Kavalkova and Kanapatskaya. The check is expected to last no longer than two weeks.

Single presidential candidate: Belarus opposition facing challenge
