Sunday march in Minsk (photo report)

On November 22, a new march took place in Minsk where the Belarusians demanded the resignation of Alyaksandr Lukashenka from the post of head of state. The rally was held in a new format. The participants of the march gathered in their neighborhoods and moved to the gathering points, which were previously identified in local chats.

This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat

The change in the tactics of the protests became a response to the brutal actions of the security forces. For two weeks in a row, the number of those arrested on Sunday exceeded one thousand people. According to the Viasna human rights center, at least 300 people were detained in Minsk on Sunday.

This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat
This is how the detentions at the Kamennaya Horka metro station looked like. Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: AV / Vo Tak TV / Belsat

From August 9 to the end of November 2020, more than 30 thousand people were detained in Belarus on administrative cases.

Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
Minsk, Belarus. November 22, 2020. Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat

At least 523 people are charged in criminal cases, among them are Belsat journalists Katsyaryna Andreyeva and Daria Chultsova.

As many as 126 people have been recognized as political prisoners.

Photo: Agata Kvyatkouskaya / Belsat
