Teachers fired for denouncing violence of security forces

Recently Belsat wrote about two teachers from the Dobraya agro-town, who recorded a video message criticizing the brutal actions of the security forces and the authorities. They also supported the Belarusian protesters. Both speakers, Alyaksandr and Natallia Krushau, were fired from their jobs.

Alyaksandr Krushau told Belsat about the dismissal. The man believed that they would be reprimanded, but left at work.

“The beginning of the working day was no different from the previous one. In the middle of Friday, a colleague came and offered to go to the director, ask for “mercy” and apologize. Natallya and I did not accept this offer. At the end of the working day, I was invited to the director’s office, where the verdict was passed.”

Teacher Alyaksandr Krushau. Photo belsat.eu

According to Alyaksandr, the conversation with the authorities was calm and without emotions. The director read out the resignation protocol. When asked to provide a copy, she said: “We don’t have to present you with anything.” Alyaksandr and Natallya were given an employment history and released.

Absenteeism was named as the official reason for the dismissal (teachers went on a nationwide strike on October 26 – belsat.eu), as well as an explanatory note of absenteeism, in which teachers explained their position, quit the trade union and non-fulfillment of duties (non-specified).

Так выглядае працоўная кніжка Аляксандра Крушава пасля звальнення
Так выглядае працоўная кніжка Аляксандра Крушава пасля звальнення
Так выглядае працоўная кніжка Аляксандра Крушава пасля звальнення

Alyaksandr Krushau is 23 years old and has two children — 2-year-old Ivan and 9-month-old Tsimafey. It is a problem for a young father to be unemployed, but he is not going to give up.

“While recording the video address, we were ready for reprisals. But after a few days we convinced ourselves that we would not be fired. We were wrong. I won’t say that the dismissal upset me. I know I have not done anything wrong,” says Alyaksandr.

He notes that his job skills would allows him to find work on the Internet.

“I am a simple country boy and did not think that I would have to look for it there. Of course, the hope that this regime will soon fall, and I will be able to continue working with children, gives me strength. I would like to address my colleagues and tell them: do not be afraid! If you are worried about whether it is worth it, then I will tell you with one hundred percent certainty that it is.”

Ana Vaschanka/belsat.eu
