Tsikhanouskaya: ‘I don’t know how to act now, but I’m not going to leave Belarus’

During Monday’s press conference, presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya condemned the brutal crackdown on post-election peaceful protests on August, 9.

Volha Kavalkova (L), Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya (C), Maryia Kalesnikava. 10 August 2020. Photo belsat.eu

During Monday’s press conference, presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya condemned the brutal crackdown on post-election peaceful protests on August, 9.

“We have witnessed the authoritiess trying to hold their positions by force,” she said.

According to her, Sunday’s actions are nothing but utterly disproportionate use of force and crime.

“The leaders have estranged from the people, they do not hear us. I do not see any reason why I should be arrested. And I am not going to leave the country,” Tsikhanouskaya stressed.

Crackdown on protesters in Minsk (Warning: shocking content)

She also called on the protesters who became victims of police abuse on August 9 to contact the united headquarters, promising to help them. Lukashenka’s rival expressed hope that special forces would not resort to tough measures if protests continued.

Svyatlana does not know whether she should take part in protests. She anticipates that such step will lead to the escalation of the situation.

“I do not know how I should act under these circumstances,” she admitted.

The presidential hopeful and her associates have appealed to the Interior Ministry and the presidential administration, asking them to stop violence against peaceful protesters.

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