Two more detainees in Babaryka case recognized as political prisoners

Representatives of the Belarusian human rights community have issued a statement recognizing Alena Karahachova and Zmitser Karaka as political prisoners, reports the human rights center Viasna.

Alena Karahachova. Facebook photo

Human rights activists point out that the real grounds for criminal prosecution of Viktar Babaryka and members of his initiative group are political motives.

Thus, in the case of Viktar Babaryka, law enforcers detained Alena Karahachova, member of the initiative group and personal assistant to the politician. The woman is charged under part 2 of article 243 (evasion from payment of taxes and fees, which caused damage on a large scale). Zmitser Karaka, who is one of the coordinators of the initiative group for nomination of the candidate Viktar Babaryka is also behind bars.

Representatives of the Belarusian human rights community demand their immediate and unconditional release.
