UCP Chair Kazlou to stand trial for refusing to sign nondisclosure pledge

An administrative report was drawn up with regard to Mikalai Kazlou, head of the United Civic Party and member of the Coordination Council, for his refusal to sign a nondisclosure pledge. Previously, he had been summoned to the Investigative Committee several times, Radio Liberty reports.

UCP Chairman Kazlou was summoned several times for questioning in the case of the Coordination Council. Investigators demanded that he sign a document of nondisclosure. But the politician refused to testify and sign documents. As a result, during the interrogation on January 12, Mikalai Kazlou learned that his refusal to sign was the reason for another protocol.

“The report was drawn up for my failure to sign an oath of non-disclosure in the Investigative Committee, where I was summoned in connection with the case of the Coordination Council. I cited my right, I suppose I have the right not to sign. I exercised my right not to sign and did not do it. By the IC it was perceived as non-compliance with the lawful demands of the official. So they wrote a paper to the Partyzanski police department, and the district police officer filed a report. I think it is absolutely lawless. People are already so out of touch that they think any of their demands are legitimate. But they are not,” said Mikalai Kazlou.

