Ukraine to demand extradition of Wagner PMC fighters detained in Belarus

The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine has informed the relevant Belarusian authorities about the intention to demand the extradition of the participants of the Russian armed aggression in Donbas detained in Belarus, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

The Office of the Prosecutor General has applied to the Prosecutor General of Belarus with requests for the arrest of 33 PMC Wagner fighters. Some of the detainees have both Russian and Ukrainian citizenship.

“28 persons, 9 of whom are citizens of Ukraine, were declared suspected of involvement in a terrorist organization (Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine),” said the law enforcement officials.

The Prosecutor-General’s Office explained to the agency that Ukraine will request the extradition of 28 suspected detainees.

“Thus, the Ukrainian side has expressed its intention to demand the extradition of these persons to Ukraine to be criminally liable for crimes related to illegal participation in the armed conflict in Donbas,” the Prosecutor-General’s Office added.

According to law enforcers, the documents required to request the extradition of these persons are being prepared. The issue of their extradition will be decided by the relevant authorities of Belarus.
