Ukrainian authorities confirm first coronavirus case

A man tested positive for COVID-19 in the Ukrainian town of Chernivtsi, Deputy Health Minister Viktor Liashko said at Tuesday’s briefing in Kyiv.

The Ukrainian who had travelled through Italy felt well on his return home on February, 26. When entering Ukraine, the man was subject to temperature screening, and nothing caused anxiety.

On February 29, the man consulted a doctor about the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection. Taking the patient’s recent visiting Italy, the doctor decided to get him hospitalised. The infected person has fever and dry cough, but his condition is stable, Viktor Liashko stressed.

The man’s spouse does not have any signs of the ilness; the woman has self-isolated in her flat.

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At the end of 2019, China alerted the World Health Organization to the outbreak of a pneumonia-like disease in the city of Wuhan that has about 11 mln residents. Later, the infecting agent was defined as coronavirus 2019-nCoV, then COVID-2019. To date, 90,937 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 were registered worldwide, of which 3,117 were fatal. A number of the diseased is growing sharply in Europe as well. Currently, Italy is the most affected: over 2,000 persons have caught the novel coronavirus.

The WHO urges people to take care of their health and protect others by following the recommendations.

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