Unburnt opposition ballots found in Brest

Ballots from the “not in favor of Lukashenka” stack found in Brest. Someone was trying to burn them but failed.

The unburnt opposition ballots in Brest may indicate that the authorities are preparing to recount the votes. Photo: Belarus of the Brain.

The telegram channel “Belarus of the Brain” writes:

“According to our data, the authorities are considering the possibility of recounting votes and are preparing for it. The remains of the burned ballots were found in the boiler room in Brest. Therefore, the recount is impossible — the authorities will demonstrate neatly stacked stacks of ballots filled in by executive committees”.

Rally of solidarity with employees of MTZ. Minsk, Belarus. August 14, 2020. Photo: TC / Vot-tak.tv / Belsat.eu

After brutal dispersal of peaceful protests in the first three days after the election, the authorities softened tactics against the Belarusians who disagree with the election results. Solidarity actions and strikes by workers of a number of state and commercial organizations are taking place all over the country. The law enforcers do not use force against people, while a number of detainees were released from detention centers in the first days.

The Akrestsina DC. Minsk, Belarus. August 13, 2020. Photo: Alyaksandr Vasyukovich / Vot-tak.tv / Belsat.eu.

As the situation with the ballots in Brest shows, loyalty of the internal troops, police and riot police, may turn out to be part of the new CEC strategy. Activists believe that the authorities are planning not only to recount the votes, but also to falsify the ballots. From the signature on the back of the bulletin, the activists managed to find out that this was the original and even to find the real persons who owned the ballots.

The burned ballots were the real ones. Photo: “Belarus of the brain.

The editorial staff does not know whether the voters, who own unburned ballots, will apply to the prosecutor’s office.

