US donates to Belarus $1.7 million to fight COVID-19

This aid is intended to improve diagnosis of coronavirus and strengthen epidemiological surveillance.

The U.S. has donated to Belarus $ 1.7 million to fight COVID-19, the press service of the State Department reports. The financial aid is intended for health care: laboratory diagnostics, identification of new cases, tracking contacts and others.

The department’s page notes that the total U.S. investment in Belarus amounted to $ 301 million, of which $ 1.5 million was used for health care.

In addition to Belarus, the U.S. has financially supported other post-Soviet countries in the fight against coronavirus. Ukraine has received $ 15.5 million, Armenia – $ 2.7 million, Azerbaijan – $ 3.6 million.

Earlier it was reported that the Belarusian government plans to receive € 90 million of aid from the World Bank.
