US promises $ 1 bln to European countries to help maintain their energy independence

The United States plans to allocate $ 1 billion to support the energy independence of European countries, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on February 15 at the Munich Security Conference, UNIAN reports.

“I want to say that within the framework of international cooperation and with the support of the United States Congress, we intend to allocate up to $ 1 billion to Central European Eastern European countries of the Three Seas Initiative,” Pompeo said, adding that the funds will be used “to protect freedom and democracy in the world”.

The Three Seas Initiative includes 12 EU countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia.

During a visit to Minsk on February 1, Mike Pompeo said that American producers were ready to provide Belarus with oil at 100% competitive prices.

“The U.S. wants to help Belarus create its sovereign state and our energy producers are ready to cover 100% of your oil needs at competitive prices. We are the largest energy producer in the world, and all you need to do is tell us and address us,” he said after talks with Lukashenka.

Also, the United States Congress is ready to pass a new bill on penalties if Russia tries to complete the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline.
