Veranika Tsapkala leaves Russia for Ukraine

Veranika Tsapkala. Photo: Belsat

Veranika Tsapkala, the wife of the former head of the High Technology Park, crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border on the morning of August 16.

Veranika Tsapkala was a member of the united headquarters during the election campaign of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya. On election day, August 9, she left for Moscow for security reasons.

On the night of August 15-16, it was reported that Veranika Tsapkala and her children were trying to leave for Ukraine. Russian border guards stopped her at the Troyebortnoye crossing point and did not let her through for hours, Valery Tsapkala wrote on Facebook. “She was brought back after her passport was stamped and she approached the neutral zone,” he said.

Around 9:00 Valery Tsapkala said that his wife and children were still allowed to cross the Russian border towards Ukraine.

The former head of the HTP is now also in Ukraine. Yesterday, on August 15, it was reported that a criminal case was opened against Valery Tsapkala in Belarus and he was put on a wanted list.
