Victory Parade in Moscow to be held on June 24

According to TASS, Vladimir Putin has announced the date of Victory Parade in Moscow. This year it will be held on June 24th. He announced this at a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

This date was not chosen by chance: it was June 24th, 1945, when the Victory Parade took place, when soldiers who fought near Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and in Europe passed through Red Square. Putin instructed Shoigu to avoid all possible risks to the health of the parade participants.

“I order you to ensure the most stringent safety requirements in the preparation and conduct of the parade. Risks for all its participants should be reduced, and better — excluded,” Putin said.

He explained that he made such a decision, as Russia has already passed the peak of diseases with coronavirus infection and the situation in most Russian cities remains stable.

Besides Moscow, the parade will be held in other cities of Russia. Earlier the parade was postponed from May 9th due to the coronavirus infection.

There are now 362 thousand patients with COVID-19 in Russia.

Victory parade in Minsk was held on May 9th. According to Ministry of Internal Affairs estimates, 15 thousand people took part in it in the capital alone.
