Vitsebsk doctor who wrote about COVID-19 spread interrogated

Natallia Laryionava, a diagnostics lab doctor at the Vitsebsk City Clinical Emergency Hospital, wrote on her VK page about how she had been interrogated in the prosecutor’s office.

On March 30, Natallia Laryionava published a post in social networks that the situation with the coronavirus in Vitsebsk “had started to get out of control”. She called the official figures of those infected in Belarus “absolutely mythical”. After that, the doctor was summoned to the prosecutor’s office. The interrogation took place on April 1st.

According to Laryionava’s social networks, representatives of the prosecutor’s office behaved very politely, her testimony was recorded on video and in writing.

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In an interview with TUT.BY, Natallia Laryionava said that during the interrogation she was asked where she had obtained the information for her publication and what her conclusions about the situation with the coronavirus in Vitsebsk and the country were based on. The doctor explained that her conclusions were based on conversations with colleagues and her own knowledge in medicine.

“At the end of the conversation, they asked what measures I think should be introduced. I said: quarantine. And I explained why,” said Laryionava.

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Due to the active spread of coronavirus infection in Vitsebsk, there was established a regional headquarters, headed by Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Mikalai Sherstneu. On April 1, Minister of Health Uladzimir Karanik attended the first meeting of the headquarters.

Earlier Alyaksandr Lukashenka sent Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly Natallia Kachanava to the Vitsebsk region.

