West focused on ‘Belarusian bulge’? Defence minister discusses Zapad-2021 drills with Lukashenka

Defence minister Viktar Khrenin.

On Monday, Alyaksandr Lukashenka heard out a report of Belarusian defence minister Viktar Khrenin; would-be holding the Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise Zapad-2021 was a key topic discussed at the meeting.

Lukashenka instructed Khrenin to ‘finalise the conception and details’ of the war game together with the Russian side.

In turn, the minister stressed that most neighbours (Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine) intensified ‘operational and combat training’. According to him, such actions are indicative of the West’s still seeking a solution’ to the so-called Belarusian bulge.

“One of the most effective measures to counter the growing military threat is strategic action. Based on this, we, together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, have developed a conception for the Zapad 2021 strategic exercise,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Viktar Khrenin.

The Zapad-2021 (West 2021) military drills are to take place in mid September.

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belsat.eu, following BelTA
