What protests in Belarus, Belsat TV, Poles’ Union have in common: Kremlin’s version

‘Sunday Evening With Vladimir Solovyov’, screenshot.

Notorious Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov cites the activity of Belsat TV and Poles’ Union in Belarus as one of the triggers of the ongoing protests in the country. Together with invited experts, he exposes a ‘plot’ into which, according to them, Western masterminds inveigled Belsat Director Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy and Head of Poles’ Union Andżelika Borys.

Such version was presented to Russian viewers in Sunday’s episode of the talk show ‘Evening With Vladimir Solovyov’ aired on state-run TV station Rossiya 1. The floor was given to Alexander Sosnovsky, a Ukrainian-born resident of Berlin who used to work for Russian media. Currently, he positions himself as a publicist, analyst and political scientist from Germany.

‘Trunk money’ for Polish Houses

The guest of the show announced publishing the results of a ‘very deliberate investigation’ concerning the activities of Poland. 15 years ago, the neighbouring country placed her bets on the Union of Poles in Belarus, he claims.

“In 2005, some Andżelika Borys took charge of that Union of Poles in Belarus. It was not recognised by the authorities, but Warsaw deemed it an organisation with the help of which they could have certain influence, incuding in Belarus. And financing was arranged through the union. According to our sources, they got funds mainly in cash. Notably, those sums of money were carried, among others, by diplomatic-plated cars crossing the Belarusian-Polish border,” Sosnovsky said.

Well-informed Mateusz Piskorski

In his opinion, the case is very important; he expressed hope that ‘proper evidence would be found’.

“But it is direct meddling…” Solovyov interrupted him.

“Yes, it is direct meddling!” Sosnovsky agreed.

“The so-called Polish Houses were built throughout Belarus!” Alyaksandr Shpakouski, an on-call political commentator at state-owned Belarusian media, added.

Solovyov’s guests also referred to information from ‘a Polish political scientist who knows the situation from A to Z‘. They meant Mateusz Piskorski, a former leader of the Change party, who is widely known for his pro-Kremlin sentiment. In 2016, Piskorski was arrested on charges of cooperating with the intelligence services of Russia and China; three years later, he was released on bail. Now the politician is awaiting trial. By his estimates, since 2005, ‘the total of funding allocated for, among other goals, the destabilisation of Belarus has exceeded hundreds of millions of euros’.

Romaszewska: Girl with department of State behind

“In 2007, Belsat TV headed by Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy started to be financed as part of it. She is a girl who got her education in the US. Her masterminds are officials of the Department of State who openly provide assistance to her. The Netherlands’ Foreign Ministry, Canada, Norway have a hand [in the project] as well. It [Belsat] is an organisation that is directly involved in the current events in Belarus,” Sosnovsky said.

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He also ‘revealed’ the three-item plan that Poland is ‘being implementing’ in Belarus. In accordance with his version, the first item is spreading information about protests by popular blogger NEXTA whose ‘puppeteer’ is Belsat TV; then, Poland was about to send advisers and experts tasked with controlling over financial and information flows and planting militants, including those linked to neo-Nazi batallions such as Azov, in Belarus. However, the ‘plotters’ failed to implement the second and third items due to Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s stepping up security measures, the analyst suggested.

Roadmap for Lukashenka

Seizing the opportunity. the ‘Berlin-based political scientist’ put forward his own anticrisis plan…

“Appointing a transitional government for the Russian-Belarusian state (provided that it would really be a transitional government) might become a way out for Belarus. It might be headed by Lukashenka, after resigning his presidency. Such option could satisfy the opposition movement and create conditions for a smooth, painless transformation,” Sosnovsky believes.

In turn, the host decided to draw analogy and, as occasion offered, by the way, mock at Poles who, according to him and his interlocutor, are trying to incite a revolt in Belarus.

“…the stick the Poles were throwing at Belarus turned out to be a boomerang, and it returned to them. It is one and the same technology – women’s marches, wild crowds of Belarusian students. Belarusian students in Poland are more actively engaging in the social unrest that is underway there,” Solovyov said.

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In addition, he ironically stated that he was looking forward to Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s conveying congratulations to Poland’s would-be Coordination Council.

A day earlier, ‘Polish political scientist’ Mateusz Piskorski was interviewed by state-run TV station Belarus 1.

“I am sure that all Belarusians who are contribution to destabilising their own country should see pictures of Polish cities, pictures of [today’s] Warsaw,” Piskorski said.

In the editorial comment on his statement, the authors stressed that ‘Warsaw which had been closely observing the events in Minsk for the last three months, brought the army to deal with millions of rallying people in its own streets’.

